2023 Mass Arrival Flight Route

Updated February 05, 2024 12:59 EST
2024 Route

Following is a Route Briefing that will answer most, if not all the questions you might have regarding our route to KOSH. To summarize, we will take off from runway 26, progress from "UNU26" (departure end of UNU runway 26) to a waypoint called "C2OWEST", fly over it, turn toward waypoint "C2OSOUTH", fly over it, turn toward waypoint "UNU20" (departure end of UNU runway 2), and fly over it. From this point we will turn toward waypoint "RRINT" and follow the same route to Oshkosh that we've used every year in the past. Note that the waypoints are formatted in decimal degrees, easy to enter into Foreflight® and Garmin Pilot®. Disregard any altitudes, times or distances on the images. The total route time from takeoff to the threshold of runway 36 at KOSH will be 34 minutes for the 90KIAS section and 30 minutes for the 110KIAS section.

Adherence to the briefed route and airspeed will ensure success.

This route briefing DOES NOT COUNT as our mission brief on Friday, July 19, 2024. If you are not checked-in by 11:00:00 AM and seated for our mission brief at 1:00:00 PM, you will be removed from the flight roster. We would like to suggest that you bring your iPad® with your preferred E6B software to the mission brief.

We would suggest that you load the enclosed flight plan to ForeFlight®, Garmin Pilot® or your preferred moving map software. We have enclosed a link to the actual Foreflight® flight plan file. With all that done ahead of time, the mission brief can pass last minute info and we can get you out to your plane in a short time.

We are excited to see everyone in Juneau!

Blue Skies!

Mass Arrival Route Flight Plan File and Briefing Presentation

ForeFlight® Flight Plan File
ForeFlight® Flight Plan File
Garmin Pilot® Flight Plan File
Garmin Pilot® Flight Plan File
Route Briefing Presentation
Route Briefing Presentation

NOTE: If your OS adds a text extension to any of the downloaded files, delete the following characters at the end of the affected file name: .txt

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